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Injection Mould

Unlock the advantages of our Injection Mould, a prime product of our service business. With over 23.0 years of experience, we offer a customizable Injection Mold that caters to the needs of our domestic market, All India. Our Injection Mould is capable of Uv Metalizing On Plastic Jar cap, making it a top-notch product in the market. Here are five superb advantages and features of our Injection Mould:

1. High Precision: Our Injection Mould is designed to offer high precision in the manufacturing process, ensuring that the end product is of the best quality.

2. Cost-Effective: Our Injection Mould is a hot deal for businesses looking for a cost-effective solution for their manufacturing needs.

3. Durability: Our Injection Mould is made of high-quality materials, making it durable and long-lasting.

4. Customizable: Our Injection Mould is customizable, allowing businesses to tailor it to their specific needs.

5. Efficiency: Our Injection Mould is designed to offer maximum efficiency in the manufacturing process, reducing production time and increasing output.

Uv Metalizing On Plastic Jar cap

  • Color:Multicolor
  • Material:ABS
  • Type:Uv Metalizing On Plastic Jar cap
Price: 4.75 INR/Piece

Customized Injection Mold

  • Color:Silver
  • Size:Customised
  • Material:Stainless steel
  • Type:Customized Injection Mold
  • Warranty:Yes
Price: 250000 INR/Unit

We are mainly catering to clients in Pan India.
We only work on plastic.
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